Margrethe Vestager in her office at the Competition Commission of the European Union in BrusselsPHOTO BY PARMY OLSON
When the EU revealed its latest antitrust fine on Google last week, it was hard not to balk at the number: $5 billion.

It looked like another tough act from Margrethe Vestager, whose five-year stint as Europe’s top antitrust cop has been marked by a take-no-prisoners approach to Silicon Valley tech companies. In the last two years she has told Apple to pay a $15 billion tax bill to Ireland and Google to pay a separate $2.8 billion fine for dominant practices with its shopping app.
But there’s a bigger fight, and in a bigger ring that Vestager hasn’t stepped into yet. It involves the way Google and Facebook use the personal data of billions of people to dominate the online advertising market. The pair accounted for 84% of global spending on digital ads in 2017, excluding China, according to GroupM, the investment arm of WPP.

The issues of competition, privacy and personal data have increasingly overlapped with one another as more of the global economy has become linked to the web. And as the EU’s new GDPR law defines our personal data more than ever before as a valuable asset class, the privacy of citizens is becoming more closely linked to the competition mandate of regulators like Vestager.
Yet despite her tough approach to Silicon Valley and her personal avoidance of smartphone apps that track cookies, she has been quiet on this and the thorny subject of privacy.
When Vestager reprimanded Facebook for misleading regulators about its true intentions for WhatsApp’s data, following its $22 billion acquisition in 2014, the issue of personal data “didn’t come out as a strong competition concern,” Vestager toldForbes in an interview in December 2017. “We’ve not had a case yet where this was the prime concern in a merger,” she added.
Martin Sorrell, the founder of advertising giant WPP, has grumbled about the market dominance of Google and Facebook. His U.K.-based company has made a complaint to Britain’s House of Lords, but it’s not known to have made a formal complaint to the EU. A spokesman for WPP did not respond to a request for comment.

If and when Vestager does get a viable case about monopolizing our data in her in-tray, EU antitrust law will actually have all the necessary structuring to take action. Most antitrust cases are fought on rules about “exclusionary” conduct, or where a company excludes its competitors. But another explicit part of the law focuses on “exploitative conduct,” says Thomas Vinje, a partner at law firm Clifford Chance in Brussels, who specializes in EU competition law. Expoitative conduct is a key feature of the 1957 Rome Treaty, the bedrock of European antitrust law. Vestager could theoretically make a strong case that a company like Google or Facebook has exploited consumers, with the effect of excluding competitors, Vinje says.
She wouldn’t be the first. Already, competition regulators in Germanyhave looked into whether Facebook’s vast exploitation of consumer data has put it in a position to target and sell advertising in a way no other can match. The country’s Federal Cartel Office published its findings in December and has been waiting on Facebook’s response. 
Why Germany? Probably because the country has the oldest antitrust authority in Europe, Vinje points out. In the aftermath of WW2, the United States bequeathed versions of its own antitrust law to Germany when it helped reconstruct the country’s legal system. The U.S. had already established its antitrust rules in 1890 with the Sherman Act, though Europe didn’t do the same till the 1950s, with the Treaty of Rome, and with Germany leading the way. 
“Germany is the granddaddy of antitrust law in Europe,” says Vinje, which may be why the Germans “are out front of the European Commission on this.”
It’s not just Germany that’s ahead of the EU in probing the anticompetitive nature of Google and Facebook use of people’s data.Australia’s ACCC is looking into the issue, as is Japan (whose competition chief has said he is watchingGermany’s investigation) andpotentially the U.K

So why has Vestager stayed quiet? She told Forbes her team of 900 staff was developing “analytical tools” to see what role data could play in blocking competitors, and that building those tools “has been going on for quite some time.” 
Her challenge is using a bureaucratic institution to catch up with fast-changing technology and ever more fluid business models. And she appears to be waiting for a viable complaint to hit her in-tray. Tracking the mishandling of data is a massive challenge, but an initial complaint filled with evidence at least “makes it more concrete.”
Vinje says that despite Vestager’s reputation as an attack dog in the tech sphere, she has in fact been “too cautious and conservative” when it comes to the exploitation of consumer data. Her cases against Google, for instance, fit squarely within the normal territory of European antitrust law. “But in terms of the facts and the law, it’s not adventurous at all compared to the German-Facebook case.”
“The talk about her waging war on Silicon Valley is a huge exaggeration,” says Vinje. As a regulator and former Danish politician, Vestager has played in the public eye much more successfully than predecessors like Neelie Kroes, Joaquin Almunia and Mario Monti, who each had five-year terms as competition chief. “I’ve never seen any of them able to sell European antitrust law with a common touch,” like Vestager has. But she has also chosen her legal battles carefully, Vinje adds. “She hasn’t yet done anything that’s too risky.”

To prosecute Google or Facebook on the misuse of consumer data would, historically speaking, be a stretch of her purview, even if the law gives her the technical wiggle room to do it. It would be politically risky. But perhaps the bigger challenge is getting the evidence. How do you prove that Google and Facebook have a duopoly on data? “So much of it is obscure,” says Vinje. 
It’s also unclear who should do the policing. Should it be Vestager from the competition side, or Giovanni Buttarelli, the former Italian regulator who now runs European Data Protection Board, the main coordinator for all things GDPR? Or should it be Vera Jourova, the EU’s Justice Commissioner? 
The new GDPR rules may have sidelined Vestager on this issue, says Nicolas Colin, a French entrepreneur who was on the board member of France’s personal data commission between 2014 and 2016. Trying to apply such rules have posed a challenge in pitting legal experts against economists within the offices of regulators. In France there’s been a quiet tussle between the justice and competition regulators, says Colin. “They come from different worlds. … It’s the lawyers versus the commerce people.” The problem is a lack of coordinated agreement on the economic nature of data. Colin points to now common refrain that “data is the new oil,” but “data is much more than oil.” 
“Antitrust is undergoing a radical shift,” Colin adds, as regulators grapple with the new network effects of digital economies and dither over personal data being an asset or a human right.

Vestager may have ample time to jump into the ring. Her term as antitrust chief ends in October 2019, along with that of other commissioners, and she has said she wants to do a second, five-year stint. Her caution abounds, though. Vestager avoided direct answers about tackling tech companies over data in her interview with Forbes, and in a September 2017 TED Talk, she barely gave data a mention, focusing instead on the wider, more abstract vision of building trust in society. 
Despite the big-picture view, Vestager’s impact could be small if she chooses not to tackle data dominance. “One could argue that what the Commissioner has been focused on today is little-picture things that won’t have a great deal of economic significance to help consumers,” says Vinje. “Antitrust law needs to evolve and be pushed forward,” he adds. “The European Commission are not pushing the boundaries.”       
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